While no one appreciates having to do it, the ability to deliver the news that a candidate did not get the job might prove to be an asset. This is something that should be kept in mind by anybody who is in a position of power and is responsible for conducting interviews with candidates for open positions, not only hiring managers, recruiters, and HR teams.
Despite the fact that it may appear nonsensical, the process of rejecting an applicant for a job should be as pleasant as is humanly possible.
If there were other qualified applicants, why is it so important to break the news that the position has been filled?
If your company’s procedure for rejecting applicants is flawed, it might be detrimental in a variety of ways. To start, it may influence how customers see the business. So how to tell someone they didn’t get the job?
How do I tell someone that they were not selected for the position?
When declining an interviewee, how should one go about doing so? Finding the right words to explain to someone why they did not get the job may be difficult, so it’s best to be ready for the conversation ahead of time.
Get the tone of empathy going right away
A rejection letter may be a stressful and disheartening experience. Don’t forget this when you have to tell someone they didn’t get the role, and try to be as sympathetic as possible.
Thanks to them for spending time on this for us
Someone who is serious about applying for a job will spend a lot of time on their cover letter and interview preparation. This shows not just good manners but also appreciation for the effort put in by the other person.
Comment constructively on the interview they just gave you.
Most of us know that not being told why we were rejected for a job is one of the most frustrating parts of the process. While it may be impossible to offer applicants with feedback, those who make it to the interview stage need to hear some constructive criticism about why they were not hired.
Acknowledge the other candidate’s strengths and discuss why they deserve your vote.
Maybe you feel another applicant would have been a better match for the offered position, and you’d want to share your thoughts on why. Explaining to a candidate that you are looking elsewhere because other people possess necessary skills or knowledge suggests that you have good reason to go in a different direction than they had proposed.